Make a positive impact on your students' lives
Pass on your knowledge and grow as a professional
Welcome to OpenClassrooms
Make education accessible to all
OpenClassrooms is an online school offering degrees and professional training courses to more than 300,000 students per month. Our mission is to make education accessible, everywhere, to everyone.
Mentoring, a true human adventure
Pass on your knowledge by using the courses created by OpenClassrooms
Develop your pedagogical skills by coaching your students
Develop your network and your technical skills
Help students reach their professional objectives
Help 500,000 students find a new job, obtain a promotion or start their own business or freelance activity. Provide concrete help to students in their practical learning. Offer weekly online guidance and support to your students to complete their projects and training.
My experience as a mentor at OpenClassrooms has opened doors to new professional opportunities. Now I share my knowledge and support students so they can succeed.
iOS Developer
How to become a mentor?
OpenClassrooms mentors are role models, helping students succeed in their training programs by guiding them on a weekly basis with their industry know-how. As a mentor you will monitor your students’ progress throughout the mentoring sessions, and report problems and difficulties related to your students to help them reach their goals.
The mentor is free to request the number of students he/she wishes to accompany. OpenClassrooms will do its best, according to the volume of activity, to assign the mentor the number of students requested.
Our mentors typically start working on one path. However you can eventually request to work on additional paths after 3 months, once you have more experience as a mentor.
We recommend taking some time to prepare before your sessions and filling out the session notes afterwards. For optimized mentoring, you might want to keep in touch with students via email between sessions.
Mentors can accompany students all year-round, as students have different timelines for completing their programs. In case of absence, you just need to inform the student and your Mentorship Manager in advance for organizational purposes.
We offer compensation ranging from €25 to €40 per hour/ per student. This compensation depends on various factors, including the project difficulty and the path complexity. It’s important to remember that mentoring is about helping students achieve their training in due time. It remains a complementary activity to your main profession so that you can remain a professional expert!
Our mentors typically have a minimum of 4-7 years of professional experience and at least 2 years of professional experience in the field of the relevant path.
You can do your mentoring sessions directly on the Open Classrooms platform. If ever you experience difficulty with the OpenClassrooms tool, you can use an external video conferencing tool. The only requirements are access to a Desktop computer or a laptop with a webcam, and a stable internet connection. It is also recommended to use headsets, for smooth communication with students. In addition, the mentor has unlimited access to all OpenClassrooms content (courses and projects) to support students, as well as a mentor guide. Mentors can rely on this content to guide their students.
If your application has been accepted, we will ask you to send us the following documents:
a copy of your identity document
a clean criminal record
a copy of your last diploma(s)
Proof of a company (or self-owned company) registration
These documents allow us to declare you to the French Rectorate of Higher Education and establish your contract, as this is required by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Once the contract is signed, we will provide you with access to the mentor's tools. You will then officially become a mentor and we will send you an email concerning the next steps in the onboarding process.
It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the path. In the meantime, you will be able to access training materials on our website to learn more about supporting your first student.
Our mentors are located all over the world, however they must be legally authorized to work in their country of residence under a freelance or company status. Mentors must also declare income earned from mentoring to their local tax authorities.
Each student can have one session per week with their mentor. Depending on the profile of the student the sessions last between 30-60 minutes. You may plan to do your mentoring sessions whenever it suits you: weekdays or weekends, during the day or in the evening. However, some students may need to do sessions on specific weekdays, depending on their funding.
You can sponsor as many friends as you would like. If they get onboarded and active, you will get €30 bonus / person up to 3 referrals, €50/person beyond